Daario showed up at the stray-feeder in my garage in late 2015. He was very much a tomcat, with big "stud jowls", but
was quite friendly and not shy at all. He appeared fairly young, and I decided to take him in because stray toms age quickly
and don't generally live long. I was hoping he might not yet have been infected with FIV, which is endemic among stray toms in my
neighborhood, but he did turn out to already have it. That means he will need a sheltered environment with good health care to
make the most of his life.
Daario settled in quickly after being neutered, and didn't have any trouble integrating into the household. He is quite affectionate
and loves to sleep on the bed and have his head rubbed. He has also become playful, and is an enthusiastic tail-chaser.


With Other Cats
