

Sex: Female Born: October, 2006
Type: Tortoiseshell-tabby, longhaired. Origin: Abandoned.
Features: Very colorful torbie coat. Outgoing personality.
Name: Queen of the Iceni in Britain, first century C.E.


Boudicca and Pryderi came from a litter of five who were found abandoned on the doorstep of my vet's office in late January, 2007. The kittens were about three months old at the time, and the staff at the office were looking for homes for them. I had lost three cats to illness in the preceding few months, and thought it would be cheerful to have kittens around the house again, so I adopted two of them.

Boudicca was one of the two most outgoing kittens in the litter, and she introduced herself to me by pouncing on my hand and licking it. When I got her home she immediately started to explore and play with the toys I'd set out, and she remained very bold and assertive while being introduced to the household. She's very active and playful--with toys, her brother, the big cats, or her own tail, which she chases with enthusiasm. She also enjoys greeting visitors, and insists on chewing on their fingers.


Boudicca Boudicca Boudicca Boudicca Boudicca
Boudicca Boudicca Boudicca Boudicca  

With Other Cats

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